Where to find us
We are located downtown historic Fayetteville at:
225 Franklin street
Fayetteville, NC 28301
I have been busy the past two weeks working on projects that I have had in my garage. And running and rearranging my booths. Two of them

are an hour each in the opposite direction but, I really love that it gives me something to do. I have been blessed with a very profitable month and am planning a shopping trip this Friday with some girlfriends! I found two high backed benches or settles and painted one antique white and distressed and the other I plan on painting black and distressed. I also rough sanded and waxed a great 100(+) year old pie safe that someone painted a horrible brown, all I had to do is update the knobs and add the chicken wire. If I had another inch in my house, I might consider keeping it. Primitive blessings~ Tandra
I have been painting and getting some furniture finished that I have had for a while but, it was just too hot outside to work on all summer. I swear I've gotten more accomplished this past two weeks than I have all summer. I usually don't work in my garage, I usually drag everything to my screened porch but, I am thankful I had
been working in my garage because I had a few curious neighbors wondering what I was working on and ended up selling the mirrored one to my neighbor which makes delivery a snap! She ended up buying the mirrored buffet, and I brought my pot belly hoosier to DeRidder last week and will bring the hutch to Glenmora today. I hope y'all are enjoying the last few weeks of summer!
Primitive blessings~ Tandra
In one week I will have brought in furniture and rearranged all four of my booths and I am tuckered out. I am heading to Glenmora today to move my booth to a bigger spot and I am thrilled, I didn't get all the furniture painted I wanted to but I might head up again tomorrow to bring more stuff up! I will post pictures this weekend, once I have a chance to load them. Have a great weekend.
Primitive blessings~ Tandra
Living in Louisiana and with all the humidity, it seems to dry out my furniture. So I decided to give coconut oil a try and used it on all my old cutting boards and was surprised that it brought out the color and really gave it moisture without being oily. I decided to try it on my 100(+) year old oak table and it was better than any furniture polish I have ever bought and it smells great and NO CHEMICALS!!!
Prim blessings~ Tandra
Summertime and the livin is easy.... Boy that's the truth. My day to day schedule is upside down. I am still working my four booths but, I haven't made much of anything, painted anything or worked on any projects. I got my first Christmas wholesale catalog yesterday and know that is around the corner as funny as it sounds being 100 degrees in the state of Louisiana! I have a handful of projects to finish and then it's off to fall and Christmas crafts!Here are a few pictures of my both, I hope you enjoy them!
Primitive blessings~ Tandra
Teresa and I tore up the roads today, we were in Glenmora/LA at Junkin' on Main in the morning, filling and fluffing our booth and visiting with Miss Tina. And by the afternoon we were in Fisher/LA at The Ole Mill Store do a little of the same, filling and fluffing and visiting with Miss Ann a bit too. It was a busy and very ambitious day and I just love it when I get a lot done! We are heading out to DeRidder tomorrow to our booth at Big stick long bow and to do a little shopping too. Here are a few pictures to enjoy and if you would like too see

more check out my FB or Pinterest. Thanks for visiting and Prim blessings~ Tandra
Seems like we are on the road a lot lately but it might be that the places we consign in

are spread out in opposite directions. I'm meeting my partner in crime at 9am this morning and we are taking a load up to Junkin' on Main in Glenmora, LA and then right after that we are heading Fisher, LA to drop the rest of the stuff off. Then back on the road tomorrow to our booth in DeRidder at Big stick long bow. Wow, I am already tired just thinking about it but, we have so much fun! Prim blessings~ Tandra
Is everyone else as obsessed with Pinterest as I am? It might be the best invention of time (well, maybe I exaggerated a little!) I have found some wonderful recipes and it's the best dream/inspiration board. If you are looking for a Pinterest obsessed feel free to follow me!
Prim blessings and happy pinning!~ Tandra
Wow, it's been so hectic lately. I have made a lot of changes and all for the good! I am consigning is three different locations; Junkin' on Main in Glenmora, LA. The Ole Mill store in Fisher, LA. and Big Stick Long Bow in DeRidder, LA. It keeps me really busy and gives me the freedom to come and go as I please. Please share my new locations with your friends and please let me know if you are looking for anything in particular. Also if you are looking for something to do this weekend The Forestry Festival is going on and Junkin' on Main is having a huge yard sale, I hope to see you out! Prim blessings~ Tandra
Well, another year under my belt. I don't really make resolutions but, I try and tweak what's not working very well. I am going to refocus my priorities and find some extra time for me! I have been working a lot on my space and I really love how it has turned out, like typical P & P fashion I could use more space but, who doesn't??!! It was a little challenging to to have a square room with no decorating wall space ( 2 walls are built in shelves and one wall is a window and the other is a barn door. So, I had to get creative and create walls and use the space to it's fullest potential. I must admit
I am the queen of making everything fit. I have a huge wrap around porch that I will focus on next and decorate. I always say it's never work if it's fun and I try to have fun! Well if you ever find yourself around western Louisiana please come in and say hello!
Primitive blessings~ Tandra
How to grubby paper or coffe stain
You can use any kinds of paper, candstock, printer paper.
I like printer paper, it's easier to use in the printer than cardstock.
1. Pre heat oven to 200 and line both racks with crinkled tinfoil
2.Take a rectangle cake pan and put a little bit of water, it doesn't have to cover the whole pan.
3. sprinkle instant coffee down, now spay the coffee with a water bottle to moisten the coffee, leaving some areas wetter then others.
4.Dip one side of the paper then the next and put into oven to dry. You can flip paper in the oven to make sure it has dryed.
5. if you will be printing on the paper you might have to iron it, set iron on the lowest setting and iron one side then the next.
6.Now you can print on the paper or stamp and not worry about coffee staining running the ink
Grubby candles
This project can be messy, when I do this i do a large amount at a time. I have read tutorials about this and have found the easiest way for me. I buy cheap candles, at the dollar store or walmart you can also grubby up other things I have done old fashioned clothes pins and made bowl fillers with and added old buttons.
1. You'll need wax, I use left over tarts or candles or i buy the cheap candles at AC Moore, I use the spicey ones like cinnabon or banana nut bread. When they are on sale you can get a large candle for a few bucks.
2. Create a double boiler with a small pot with water boiling and put glass canle in boiling water and once it melts, I also sometimes use and old coffee can.
3.Create a work area with parchement or wax paper close to stove. You'll need an area to put the candles to set up on paper or parchment.
4. Remove wax and dip candle into the melted wax a few times to get it soft.
5.Sprinkle cinnamon,(I do this on a paper plate so I can reuse the cinnamon) and dip it into the wax holding the wick or use a paint brush. Repeat until lumppy and bumpy.
6.Sprinkle with cinnamon and let dry.
Cinnamon bowl fillers
I love cinnamon bowl fillers or ornaments. They are cheap to do and people really love them.This can be a messy project and when I make this I make a lot( Like 3 cups of each.)
1.Mix equal parts cinnamon to equal parts apple sauce.
2.Roll dough out onto parch ment paper to desired thickness.
3.Cut out with cookie cutters.( I have a crow and a star that's really cute)
4. Lay out on parchment or wax paper and let dry, you can also speed up the process by baking at 200 but, this can take a while.
5.Optional you can sprinkle with cinnamon while wet.
6. If you are going to make ornaments you'll have to put a hole in them while they are wet, I use a straw and add twine once it has dried.
They are cute as bowl fillers or with potpouri or as ornaments. You can use any smell good spice like pumkin.
Coffee stain fabric
I really like my projects to look really prim or grubby so I like to use instant coffee for my projects.
1. Wet fabric.
2. Remove as much water as possible.
3. Lay flat, do this outside if possible, it's messy. and spinkle with instant coffee, do it heavier in areas you want darker, Spay water with a water bottle to moisten coffee.
4. Let dry in the sun.
5. Rinse out or leave it depending on prefrence.
6. you can also put in the dryer to try and heat set it, I usually only do this if by chance someone might wash it. But, most of my projects aren't to be washed.